The objectives are:
- Development the science and technology to stimulate the economic development, increase the social productivity and raise the standards of employees and quality of life.
- Preservation and development the general knowledge fund, as a condition for inclusion in the world integration processes.
- Preservation and development the scientific-research personnel and infrastructure.
- Raising the general level of technology in the economy and ensuring the competitiveness of goods and services on the domestic and world market.
- Establishing the international scientific cooperation for faster integration into the world scientific, economic and social trends and inclusion in the European research space.
Directions of realization:
- Comprehensive use of the existing scientific-research potential, whose research results are proven in domestic and international science and technology.
- Encouraging the applied and development research in those fields that are of interest to the Institute and economy and, in terms of the quality of their achieved results until now, they provide the valorization and market commercialization.
- Dedication the attention to the directed fundamental research that, in the integration with the applied and development research, contributes to acquisition the world knowledge and spreading the own knowledge in the new technologies and products.
- Encouraging the acceptance and spreading the available scientific-research and technological results in order to faster transfer to the production and service areas for more balanced regional development, and increase the innovation capacity of the economy.
- To achieve the scientific-research work to provide the infrastructure investments, procurement the scientific-research equipment and maintenance and renewal the existing ones, construction the multipurpose test facilities for confirming the scientific-research results and experimental production, and establishing a technology spreading center.
- Raising the international cooperation to a higher level: improving the researchers in the foreign scientific-research institutions, including in the international organizations and associations, participation in the international multilateral and bilateral programs and projects, international evaluation the scientific-research results, establishing a closer cooperation with the researchers of our origin abroad.
- Providing a continuous advanced training of research personnel through the postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral studies within the established research programs, training in the top-level research centers in the country and abroad, whereby the disparities between the scientific areas and disciplines will be eliminated, depending on the need for development of those scientific-research areas and personnel that are lacked, and in accordance with the Institute priorities.
- Development the interests of young talented researchers for the scientific-research work by involvement in the scientific-research projects and programs and their employment in the Institute.
- Employment the highly educated experts in the areas of the prime importance for the Institute, creating the necessary conditions for their work in the economy, larger research-development teams and other forms of encouragement.
- Publishing and procurement the scientific literature, organization the national and international scientific and professional meetings and participation, publication the results, their assessment, availability and accessibility. A special attention will be paid to the results that provide the market effects.
- In order to increase the competitiveness of the economy, encouraging the development of own knowledge and application the world experiences and international standards in the field of business systems management and raising the quality degree of products and services with a series of international standards ISO 9000.
- Providing the sufficient and stable budget funds and other funds for achieving these objectives and directions (through the sponsorship, donations and usage the incentives within the credit, tax and monetary policy of the Republic of Serbia).