The tailing dumps and landfills are located at the end of the technological processing and valorization process of useful minerals from the ore, and their main function is the permanent storage and disposal of tailings and water. Since these facilities do not bring a direct income to the company, they are generally viewed as an expense only, often not being given enough attention, which leads that almost all domestic tailing dumps in their operational work encountering minor or major problems. The tailing dumps and landfills represent the large and important mining and industrial facilities, altitudes often over 100 m (Veliki Krivelj tailing dump), filled with tailings and water and always present a high risk to the environment.

Consequently, during the design of tailings dumps and landfills, a special attention is paid to their stability and functionality, which at no time shall not be questioned. Modern technical solutions in design the tailing dumps also include the best available technologies recommended by the EU (BAT), which together with many decades of experience of designers, guarantee that the tailing dumps, which will be built entirely with the project documentation, to be operatively reliable and stable during the entire exploitation period.

Services provided by MMI Bor from the field of tailing dumps and landfill are:

  • Design the tailing dumps for disposal of tailings from the flotation plants of minerals of copper, lead, zinc, etc.
  • Design the various dumps and landfills for permanent storage of industrial waste (ash and slag from the thermal power plants and heating plants …) as well as the landfills for municipal waste disposal
  • Development the projects for rehabilitation the threatened parts of flotation tailing dumps and landfills
  • Development the projects for closure and remediation of dumps and landfills
  • Development the projects of auscultation the dumps and landfills and auscultation in the with preparation the quarterly, semi-annual and annual reports on auscultation
  • Technical control of the projects and studies in the field of design the tailing dumps and landfills
  • Development the plans for management of various types of mine and flotation tailings and industrial waste, characterization of waste
  • Development the study on the environmental impact assessment for tailing dumps and landfills

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