The Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor works on the Projects funded by the European Union in the fields of IPA Projects and also E-Cube, HORIZON 2020 and HORIZON EUROPE
The Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (MMI) is one of the partners of the SCIMIN-CRM project, “Sustainable & CIrcular production of MIneral Critical Raw Materials”, no. 101177746 financed by the EU from the program package HORIZON EUROPE and coordinated by: “Asociacion nacional de empresarios fabricantes de aridos-ANEFA”, ES in cooperation with: “Zabala innovation consulting SA”, ES.
Novel domestic battery grade lithium-carbonate value chain for green life.
Project acronim: Li4life
Institute for Mining and Metallurgy Bor is one of the partners of the Li4life project, “Novel domestic battery grade lithium-carbonate value chain for green life”, coordinated by: International Center for Advanced Materials and Raw Materials-ICA, ES.
Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor is one of the partners of the project named Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials – HEI4S3-RM which is coordinated by Universidad de Oviedo.
International cooperation for cleaner waters
Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme
Project RORS-337: „ROmania Serbia NETwork for assessing and disseminating the impact of copper mining activities on water quality in the cross-border area“ (RoS-NET2)
Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Romania-Serbia Programme
Project RORS-308: Forming of Network for Enhancing Environmental Protection from Pollutants of Mining Cross-border Areas (NETMIN)
The Cadastre of Mining Waste in the Republic of Serbia is a project aiming to further develop and improve the mining waste management system in the Republic of Serbia by creating its inventory – a cadastre of mining waste.
Program: SATREPS (Science and Technologically Research Partnership for Sustainable Development) – Japan
Pole of Collaboration in New Functional Alloys
Cross border cooperation Romania-Serbia
Promoting new ecologic filler alloys for soldering, based on the non-ferrous ore of the Romanian-Serbian cross-border area
Selenium as an Essential Natural Microelement for the Human Health Protection
The Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor works on the projects funded by the competent Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia in the following fields: