Environmental Challenge Day
We are excited to announce that the Environmental Challenge Day event will take place in Kavala on 28/09/2023 in the frame of a 3Day event with multiple activities and happenings (28-30/09/2023). As members of our consortium, we extend a warm invitation to you and your students to participate in this unique initiative aimed at fostering environmental awareness and innovative solutions.
The Environmental Challenge Day will serve as a platform to address pressing environmental issues and brainstorm creative ideas to tackle them. This event will be an excellent opportunity for students, start-ups that HEI project supports as well as any individual that is interested, to showcase their passion for sustainability and contribute to positive change in our community.
**Event Details:**
– Date: 28th September
– Time: 09:00 AM
– Venue: International Hellenic University (IHU)-Kavala campus, Greece
– Event Website and link for registration: Environmental Challenge Day in Kavala – HEI4S3-RM
The Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Bor is pleased to announce that webinars will be organized in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of sustainable mining. Webinars are organized within the Project: ,,Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials,, – HEI4S3-RM, by the following Universities:
University of Oviedo, Spain
University of Huelva, Spain
Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania
Georg Agricola Technical University, Germany
Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland
International Greek University, Greece
Interested participants can find more detailed information at the link: https://hei4s3-rm.eu/webinars/, through which registration is also done. The webinars are free, and at the end of each webinar, certificates are issued by the University that organizes the lectures.
More information can be obtained via e-mail: zoran.stevanovic@irmbor.co.rs
Students of the Technical Faculty from Bor, on March 10, on professional practice at the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Bor
Presentation of methods of chemical analysis of soil, sediments, water, and air to students of the Technical Faculty of Bor, held on March 3.
Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor is pleased to announce that webinars in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship will be organized regarding to sustainable mining. Webinars are organized within the Project: ,,Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials,, – HEI4S3-RM, by the following Universities:
University of Oviedo, Spain
University of Huelva, Spain
Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania
Georg Agricola Technical University, Germany
Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Finland
International Greek University, Greece
Interested participants can find more detailed information at the link: https://empresa.uniovi.es/empleabilidad/innovation, through which registration is enabled. The webinars are free, and at the end of each webinar, certificates will be issued by the University that organizes the lectures.
More information can be obtained via email: zoran.stevanovic@irmbor.co.rs
Schedule of the webinars:
Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor is one of the partners of the project named Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials – HEI4S3-RM which is coordinated by Universidad de Oviedo.
With great pleasure we invite you to visit the project website: https://hei4s3-rm.eu/
The project was created to strengthen the building of innovation capacity in Europe, striving for long-term sustainable development using the idea of the circular economy in order to modernize the raw materials and extractive sectors. The idea behind the circular economy is that the value of products, materials and resources is kept in the economy for as long as possible and the generation of waste is kept to a minimum. These activities make an important contribution to the EU’s efforts to develop a sustainable, low-carbon, resource-efficient and competitive economy.
The project aims to strengthen partnerships between higher education, business and research organizations by developing an innovative pathway for entrepreneurial universities.
HEI4S3-RM is implemented as part of the EIT (European Institute of HEI4S3-RM is implemented as part of the EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) HEI (Higher education institutions) Initiative, which is a key goal of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) as part of its new strategy, the EIT strategic innovation plan for 2021 –2027..
The HEI43-RM project is conducted according to the methodology. Accessible with favorable conditions (organizational, didactic, research, innovations, leading innovations) included in the research inter-dThe HEI43-RM project is conducted according to the methodology. Accessible with favorable conditions (organizational, didactic, research, innovations, leading innovations) included in the research inter-departmental conditions, cooperating within the consortium (between) Integrated Ecosystem Laboratories (EILs).
It includes the following activities:
– building ecosystem integration laboratories in each of the 6 HEIs to support smart specialization and innovation in the field of sustainable raw materials,
– promoting concrete actions for a broader entrepreneurial culture and teaching innovation and entrepreneurship in academia
– process management with the use of Management Boards by universities, involving management and non-academic specialists,
– building the capacity of specific multidisciplinary support structures that will be involved in managing the process of “HEI4S3-RM Innovators”
– exchange of good practice between EU universities.
The main challenge is to connect small and medium-sized but efficient universities with regional and local innovation ecosystems in the field of circular economy activities in the raw materials and mining sectors.
An important issue during the course is also reaching out to undergraduate and graduate students and doctoral students by encouraging them, inter alia, to participate in the Erasmus + program, which would, among other things, improve the mobility of learners.
The key element is the integration of scientific communities in various parts The key element is the integration of scientific communities in various parts of Europe as part of common challenges related to the circular economy and adaptation to the occurring climate changes.
The project is aimed at European higher education institutions, which, thanks to this initiative, can become regional engines of innovation and support sustainable economic growth and create jobs across Europe.
University Country Link
Universidad de Oviedo – Hiszpania
Universidad de Huelva – Hiszpania
Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timisoara – Romania
Technical University of Georg Agricola – Germany
Lapland University of Applied Sciences – Finland
International Hellenic University – Greece
Non-academic Institutions: Country Link
Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor (MMI Bor) – Serbia
Geological Survey of Slovenia – Slovenia
Pheno Horizon – Poland

Ph.D. Zoran Stevanović
If you need more information about this project, please contact me: zoran.stevanovic@irmbor.co.rs
Realized activities on the HEI4S3-RM project within WP4
Overview of activities within WP4 “Contribution to developing innovations and businesses”, members of the MMI Bor team implemented the following activities related to KPI in the period from July 1st, 2022 until now:
– KPI6: Number of business ideas registered in the HEI4S3-RM Knowledge Transfer & Innovation Idea Platform. MMI Bor members have started preparation of two ideas for implementation in cooperation with R. Serbia state funds, status in progress:
Proposal 1:
Optimization of technological processes of surface exploitation and processing of mineral raw materials – and all in the function of increasing energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Proposal 2:
Prediction and Environmentally Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage from Locations of Abounded Mining Waste in Republic of Serbia
– KPI7: Support and development of (new and existing) University- Driven R&D Institutes/Centers
1. Within the existing site of the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, a page has been opened that provides all the basic information related to the HEI4S3-RM Project and will be further updated in accordance with our activities.
2. On August 10th, 2022 the training of PhD students (HEI INNOVATE – Sampling Training of PhD Students) was carried out in order to educate students for field sampling in accordance with the predicted procedures that were presented within the presentation
Training for pHD students – MMI Bor
Attendees list – Sampling Training of PhD Students
3. Participation of MMI Bor members and PhD students on first Co-Creation workshop for Cohort 2 projects, online event, held 27 – 28 September 2022.
HEI Initiative (cohort 2) Co-Creation Workshop Attendees lists
4. Within The 53rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy held 3-5 October 2022, in Bor, Serbia
a scientific paper was published under the title: “ANALYSIS THE SURFACE OF MODIFIED LIGNIN BASED MICROSPHERES USED FOR SELENIUM ADSORPTION BY THE SEM-EDS ANALYTICAL METHOD”, the following authors: Vesna Marjanović, Radmila Markovic, Silvana Dimitrijević, Zoran Stevanović.
The paper deals with activities related to environmental protection and it has acknowledgment to the EIT-HEI Project: The authors are grateful for funding by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic Serbia, by the Registration No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200052. Also, this work was financially supported by the EU under Program 2nd EIT-HEI call: Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials – HEI4S3-RM.
– KPI8: Number of Innovation-Driven Research Talent Labs
A MMI Bor team prepared laboratory and equipped for the implementation of the activities predicted by the HEI4S3-RM Project, where, among other things, tests aimed at characterizing mining waste will take place. This laboratory will be used also for training of students and young staff. The preparation of the supporting procedures of the methods is in progress
HEI4S3-RM Institutional Management Board
network meeting (Oviedo 10-11.10.2022)
In mid-October participants of the “Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials -HEI4S3-RM” project met in Oviedo, Asturias, Spain. During two days conference members had presented their plans for next 6 months.
Meeting was also the occasion for getting to know each other. Leader of the project presented Oviedo with its mining and industrial legacy and opportunities for future of Asturias. We have experienced unique character, customs and history of the regions. Those important integrations actions contribute to building strong European community both internally and externally which support EIT Raw Materials policy.